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The Bath Essence

Premium Organic Soaps

Elevate your senses with Nature's touch

Save 50%
Blooming Rose Petals Organic Handmade Soap

Blooming Rose Petals Organic Handmade Soap

Sale priceFrom Rs. 199.00Regular price Rs. 399.00
Save 50%
Natural Turmeric Soap - The Bath Essence

Golden Glow Organic Handmade Turmeric Soap

Sale priceFrom Rs. 199.00Regular price Rs. 399.00
Save 56%
Natural Red Sandalwood Soap - The Bath Essence

Organic Handmade Red Sandalwood Soap

Sale priceFrom Rs. 199.00Regular price Rs. 449.00

Our Standards


Introducing Our Finest Ingredients


I want to extend my thanks for your super service. So satisfied with the quality and everyone loved their return favours.

— Nancy Gulati

Everyone loved the soaps. The presentation was so cute. We actually had to tell them they are soaps and not cupcakes.

— Dr. Nishita Shah

The products were received on time. No issues with the packaging at all. Products were lovely and it was great experience shopping from you.

— Srishti

Quality of each bar soap is too good.

— Preethi
the bath essence - natural herbs - multani mitti

From Farm with Love

Discover the power of nature's bounty with our exclusive blend of rare herbs, roots, and natural essential oils. Each ingredient is handpicked for its exceptional properties, ensuring that every product we offer is a true masterpiece of nature's wonders. Elevate your bathing routine with the finest ingredients that Our Earth has to offer. 

After all, Skincare is not just a routine - it is a Ritual!

Our Ingredients

Indulge in the Nature's Goodness

Our Story

The Bath Essence was founded with the aim of providing natural, handmade and cruelty free bathing products. We are 100% natural, sulphate and paraben free.

Our Vision is to develop a bathing product that you will adore and that will make your bathing experience great. With The Bath Essence, we hope to achieve the ideal combination of relaxation and elegance.